One Big Update
over 5 years ago
– Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 03:13:06 PM
What's up everybody!
Well, things have been going really well on our end. I know it's been about a month since our last update, but we've been hard at work making sure everything was set up and ready to go. We validated all the files, got the first blank sample (to check quality, sizing, colors, etc.) which all looked fantastic, and ok'd the go ahead for the first pre-production sample. That arrived last night, and it's absolutely perfect. I took a ton of pictures which I've included in this update, so make sure to check it out!
With everything looking great and after talking to Whatz, our goal is to have all copies done and produced by the end of July. This means we'll have everything hopefully on the boat and headed our way sometime in early August, and then hopefully to the fulfillment center by the end of August/early September. At that point, assuming the turnaround is pretty quick, we'll be able to start shipping out copies for fulfillment. I don't want anyone's expectations to go too crazy because lots of crazy things could happen in the mean time, but it looks like we might actually be able to finish up about 1.5 months ahead of schedule from our proposed timeline.
Updates will probably be coming a bit more frequently now that we've taken care of a lot of the more nitty gritty stuff in getting everything ready to manufacture. I'll make sure to let you all know when everything is done manufacturing, when we get everything on the boat, when the items arrive at the fulfillment center, and when the games start shipping out.
Right now, almost everyone has completed their survey (thank you so much!), but we have a few people still left out. I won't be able to get a game to you unless I have your address (if only I could lol), so please make sure to fill it out. If you have any questions, just let me know at [email protected], and I can help you with any problems you might run into for the survey.
If you know anyone that might want a copy, make sure to let them know they can pre-order through our pre-order store (found here). After the games have been manufactured, I'll send out one last update with a 48 hour window. The deluxe version of Pug Time and the included black pugs in every game will not be available after that point. We'll also be locking orders, so any changes to the survey will not be possible on your end (although I'll be happy to help if you do contact me). I'll also send a reminder to check your address and make sure it's the right one about one week before we finish manufacturing, and again at the 48 hour mark before closing.
Things are going great over here on our end, and I hope things are going great for all of you too!
If anyone would like to see additional pictures, or if you have any questions about the contents/materials, just let me know in a comment or through email!
Happy Pugging,
Ben and Peach
Just a Quick Update to Keep Everyone in the Loop!
over 5 years ago
– Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 02:28:28 PM
Hey all,
I know I haven't posted an update in a couple of weeks now (and not too much has happened), but I wanted to keep everyone updated. Since we sent the files to the manufacturer, we made a number of small edits and took care of a few spelling errors, placement of graphics, and other things. I made the initial deposit for the game last Tuesday (June 4th), and Whatz is currently working on creating the sample and sending it to me, which should hopefully arrive in the next week. I'll definitely let you guys know when it's here, because as long as everything is good we'll be able to start manufacturing at that point!
In other news, one of the backers reached out about the PnP files; I've updated them with the most recent files, which are the same files I've sent to the printer. If you'd like to check it out, you can find it in the same location on Google Drive shared previously. If you don't remember where that is, just contact me about it!
Hope all is well with all of you. Have a great day!
Ben and Peach
Files Sent to the Printer and 85% Completion on the Pledge Manager!
almost 6 years ago
– Fri, May 24, 2019 at 05:20:21 PM
Hey all,
So last week we were able to get our Pledge Manager out to all you lovely backers, and we're at just over 85% completed! If you haven't had a chance to fill it out, please do so at your earliest convenience. If you need any help, make sure to reach out.
In other news, we've officially sent off our files to Whatz Games and begun the process for making sure all the files are set up correctly and ready to go. We'll be taking the time to make sure everything looks perfect with the EProof samples, then we'll be putting together a few mockups and blank samples. From there, if everything looks good, we'll start mass producing the games.
All in all, we're a bit ahead of schedule (about a week), which is a great place to be. I'll keep you all updated as we keep moving, with the next update probably when we start mass producing the games. I'll also try to send pictures of the samples so you guys can see all the cool stuff as we put everything together!
Happy Pugging,
Ben and Peach
Important! Pledge Manager Coming To You! Pre-Order Store Now Open!
almost 6 years ago
– Thu, May 16, 2019 at 11:28:35 PM
Hey there!
It's been a couple of weeks since we last talked, and we've finally got our deposit from Kickstarter. With that, we were able to put together our pledge manager through BackerKit which should be coming soon to you! We've sent out an initial round of surveys just to make sure nothing is broken or weird, and with that completed we've released the survey to everyone else.
For those of you who have never used a pledge manager, it's basically a great way for me to collect your information and make it really easy for you guys to get me your address and make sure you have everything you want! In the pledge manager, you'll be able to do a few things:
- Alter your pledge to a different tier. If you'd like to upgrade or something else, you'll be able to do this first.
- Answer a few survey questions. There are only 3 questions for everyone and I'd love your feedback! You'll also get some input for future versions of Pug Time! If you have any ideas or thoughts, feel free to send them my way as well - I love hearing them.
- Get add-ons. We've kept this pretty simple, so you'll just be able to get additional copies of the base and deluxe versions if you want. We were able to keep shipping really low on additional copies, so an additional copy has no added shipping charge for Canada and only $1 for the EU and Australia (and of course nothing for the US with free shipping). So keep an eye out for that!
- Put in your shipping address. You'll be able to edit this at any point up until the games are on a boat and heading towards us; don't worry about this too much, though, as you'll get a reminder to update your shipping address one month and one week before the pledge manager closes.
If you have any questions about this, you can always reach out to me through my email, [email protected], through Kickstarter, or by just dropping a comment in this update and I'll get back to you asap!
Outside of our pledge manager, we've also opened up our pre-order store. This has essentially the same stuff that was found in the Kickstarter, so if you know anyone that would love a copy of the game send them there! You can find the pre-order store here: The Pug Time Pre-Order Store!
Alright that takes cares of that. File prep is going fairly well, as well as the rules editing. We'll have an update soon for that material, so keep an eye out!
Ben and Peach
We're back with a timeline! Check out the Print and Play!
almost 6 years ago
– Wed, May 01, 2019 at 08:56:29 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.